Fri, 06/03/2022 - 11:14

World Environment Day is being held on 5 June, with the slogan “Only One Earth” highlighting the need to live more sustainably, protecting nature and in harmony with the social and economic changes around the planet.

Sweden, with the support of the United Nations, is hosting this year’s World Environment Day, reminding us of the importance of protecting the environment better and more sustainably. 

Protecting the environment in big cities

Pollution in major cities is considered a public health problem that directly affects the physical and emotional well-being of city residents.

Getting around with green transport, promoting the use of electric vehicles and implementing greener city models are measures which are becoming increasingly necessary in order to improve air quality and reduce pollution caused by transport in large urban areas.

Promoting a more sustainable society 

Sustainability is the balance between the resources consumed by society today, and those that will remain for future generations.

Promoting sustainability among the population involves launching initiatives that cover the economic growth of a community, prioritising well-being and care for the planet’s resources. Driving a more sustainable society guarantees the comfort of the population, the protection of the planet’s resources and the responsible consumption of energy

Backing urban ecomobility to get about

New forms of shared urban mobility and low emissions mobility will be our means of getting around in the future to protect the environment and reduce pollution in cities.

E-mobility will continue to play a role in the development of sustainable urban mobility, and charging points for electric scooters and electric cars will become increasingly common on the streets of major cities.

Greener and more ecological energy sources for charging electric vehicles are also among the measures to be developed to allow the electromobility market to keep growing responsibly, conscious of the need to protect the environment.

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