Thu, 09/23/2021 - 14:24

European Sustainable Mobility Week is back in Barcelona with the slogan: “Improve health. Get around sustainably”.

What activities are scheduled to take place during European Mobility Week?

With the aim of improving the quality of the air that we breathe, recovering public space and promoting safe mobility, Barcelona and organisations from the city are this week taking part in a series of virtual and in-person activities throughout the city, adapted to the current health measures. 

Activities such as Park(ing)Day where for a few days some public car parks will become parks and gardens, or Car Free Day, where driving on some of the city's streets will be replaced with workshops and exhibitions, are just some of the initiatives aimed at raising awareness and educating young children about sustainable mobility and caring for the environment.

What can city residents do to contribute to more sustainable mobility?

Barcelona is committed to becoming a healthy, sustainable and safe city and as citizens, there are various actions we can take to help ensure the city is more liveable, free from fumes and noise and with low-emission mobility

Here is a reminder of four ways to get about more sustainably

  1. Use a bicycle or walk to work, thereby reducing the number of journeys by polluting vehicles.
  2. Travel by public transport to avoid traffic jams and the stress associated with traffic congestion in cities. 
  3. Car share, thereby contributing to a more efficient use of private vehicles while reducing the economic cost of journeys in polluting vehicles.
  4. Use electric vehicles, optimising their energy and activating the Eco mode in hybrid vehicles.

The Endolla service contributes to more sustainable mobility

The Endolla network guarantees an efficient use of the charging points infrastructure around the city, boosting energy self-sufficiency and promoting electric mobility.

Help us to make good use of the network and to improve the service, contributing towards healthier mobility for everyone's health.

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